Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 1 complete!

Thanks so much for all of the support! WOW! I really didn't think that anyone would read it. I truly think working out first thing in the morning helps me a lot to stay away from sugar. I did't even think about sugar until late last night. My workouts were AMAZING yesterday. We had a new teacher for my morning fitness class and she kicked my tail...and then for my night class it's called sparology and it was FANTASTIC!!! It used to be all men and last night it was 50/50 the teacher really likes that more women are stepping out of their comfort zone. He has taught me that you grow so much as a person if you take those dreaded steps outside your comfort zone! 

I decided that each day will start with a workout even if I can't make it to RHEK. I can do some things a home. Even though I am not nearly as motivated without being there. I figure even on my "rest" days I will do some sort of workout. In order to help me not crave sugar as much. On a side note the week before I started this I had the worst time ever with my eating. I mean one night I was so hungry I ate spaghetti sauce right out of the jar.....I know that sounds crazy! That was the day before I ate 3 ice cream sandwiches in one day. Now I am back on track and when I weighed I was down 4lbs. So I just decided to let that week be what it is just a week in my past. Sometimes I have a really bad habit of being like...OMG I messed up now I should just give up and stay like this forever....but that's just the fat girl voice trying to suffocated my skinny girl dreams! 

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