Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I will get there.....

So I have been doing so well...... I mean like as good as I could possibly do. I started a new workout routine yesterday and I mean I was feeling so good about everything. And then today I ate exactly what I planned all day. Until I got home. Once I was home I was an hour late on eating..... well after I ate my planned dinner, Chicken lasagna with zucchini instead of noodles and very little cheese and a small side salad with sugar free raspberry vinaigrette. I was cleaning up the kitchen and doing laundry. I don't even know what happened, but all of the sudden I was standing in the kitchen....and before I even realized it I had eaten 6 chocolate chip cookies! Freaking 300 calories and 12g of sugar. Needless to say as soon as I finished eating them I was like ...really ...really is this why you wake up sweat your tail off and push so hard for? 

NO! It is not! You are working hard to see progress and to continue to build self worth. To some people this might seem very minor but to me it is really a big deal. 

But the one thing I must remember is I am human and with being a human comes something called mistakes....here is my favorite quote about Mistakes....

Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something.
Morihei Ueshiba

Going to bed now, tomorrow is a new day! 

Friday, August 24, 2012

My mind is playing tricks on me

It is so hard to believe that your mind wants you to fail..... it wants you to think all of your decisions are wrong. It wants you to think that you really need food that is bad for you....it wants you to think you can't make it through a workout. It just continues to try to push you into staying stagnate and not growing. "Growth is in discomfort" so my mind is going to really have to get over it. I have had a hard time this week, not with my eating. I have done AWESOME with my eating but my mind decided since I was doing good at that it would mess with me on every other level! One of the reasons I am able to push forward so hard is this quote I received in an email earlier this week. I was questioning if it was normal for your mind to get weaker in certain areas while getting stronger in other areas.... the reply said " It can work that way. However, if you keep things in perspective and keep the strength that you are gaining in mind, it will perpetuate itself." 

The other reasons I stay strong....
* The watchful eye of the most amazing 9 year old!
* The best trainer in the world
* The best friend in the world 
* Support from my RHEK family  


On a side note..... I was super tempted this week by.... birthday cake....subway cookies and of all things homemade goodies at the farmers market....

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Making myself proud....

So it has been a week since I made a promise to myself and my trainer that I would give my very best... Well I have done just that! Let me start by saying what I have said a million times, No one is perfect.... This week my downfalls were this... I put the wrong type of salad dressing on my salad on Tuesday. I thought it was vinegar but it was balsamic vinaigrette....way to many calories but lesson learned to read before using! Then on Wednesday my son and I went to see a movie. He had popcorn and butterfingers...well I had 30 pieces of popcorn and 1 butterfinger mini (it was 20 calories and 2 sugars for just that one piece) but I stopped at 1. Tonight when I got off work at 11pm, I really really really wanted a milkshake or some type of junk food but instead I had a piece of grilled chicken. So all in all a very good week!  

Monday, August 13, 2012

Your Choice

Well I can't begin to tell you guys the change that has come over me. All it takes is one person to give you that tiny little push you need in the right direction! I owe that to one of my trainers, they all are fantastic but this one is very blunt and to the point. He talked to be over an hour on Sunday morning about doing this for me, because I want it. Being fit, healthy and smaller. Making good choices because that is what I want. He said that the reason you make bad choices is because at the time your choice was that you wanted the bad thing more than you wanted the good thing. Not just with food but life in general. He gave me a book to read  that 
I think EVERYONE should read. The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy! 
Seriously it will help you in life.. all parts of your life.
Today my biggest challenge was..... Carson was sick and wanted a milkshake. I wanted just one sip but I made the CHOICE not to even have one sip!!!! 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Well it has been a while since I blogged because I had nothing to talk about....Well the whole vegan thing didn't work for me. I could eat like that no problem. I just didn't lose a pound in over 2 weeks. My personal opinion is that the vegan way of eating has way too many carbs. I didn't eat bread carbs for the the most part for the past year. I also felt like my body was craving protein. It could have been all in my head, but either way. Looks like it is back to chicken and veggies for me. Gotta fuel my body! Looks like one of my trainers was right... I can see the look on his face when I tell him it didn't work for me!  Oh a side note my workout classes are changing.....As you already know I HATE change! Maybe this change is what my body needs to start losing again!  The new classes are called Monkey Bar Gym classes....just the name scares me!