Monday, February 25, 2013

What it means to me....

Today I was ask the question: What does Fit to Fight mean to you? 

Well I answered it with a brief answer but since walking away it is all I can think about. Fit to Fight is the name of the program that Ryan and Jeff co-founded. Those are 2 of the most amazing people in my life. They not only help me, guide me, answer my crazy questions, put up with my non-stop talking. One of the things they do that influences my life everyday is they lead by example! 

Fit to fight to me is a way of Life! Not a gym, not a diet, not a fad but a way of my everyday life. It started out with baby steps and ended up changing my life. My life now is unbelievably better! I have lost weight, no longer have Type 2 diabetes, learned how to protect myself and along the way have had fun and met some of the most AMAZING people and formed life long friendships! Even my work life has excelled.  

Just yesterday I called one of my RHEK friends and they didn't answer.... when they called back it wasn't hey how are you.... It was " Hey is everything okay? You need something?" You know why because we all have each others back through think and thin! In one way or another we are all each others inspiration. We are not all fighting the same battles, but one thing for sure, WE ARE ALL FIGHTING THE BATTLES TOGETHER!  

This blog wasn't really about my eating but because of FIT TO FIGHT I have made it this far! 

Monday, February 18, 2013

In a Galaxy Far....Far Away!

In a Galaxy Far Far away my dream would be that no one would EVER have sugar. Man if you never had it in the first place you wouldn't crave it! 

I have been doing pretty good. I had pizza on my cheat day while watching the Superbowl and it didn't taste nearly as good as I remember it tasting, and I kept thinking about how many calories each bite contained....

Other than that it feels so good waking up and looking at all the changes my body is going through. As far as weight loss, I am still at a stand still but my body is changing so much. I do a lot of weight training and it is working wonders for my arms and I can see the changes in my whole body. 

My most challenging thing currently is trying to get my son to like just one fruit or vegetable! He likes NONE! Talk about a struggle, when he was a toddler he would eat everything and then at age 5 nothing! So for now I will keep leading my example and praying that he will find just one that he likes! Thanks again for all of your support and encouragement!