Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I find that it is easier to write when I am doing good and I don't like to write about the bad days because it makes me feel like a failure. A failure to myself as well as a failure to my trainers and my awesome support group.... Well the last 2 weeks have been the worst 2 weeks in a VERY LONG time! 

My trainer says that I use my emotions as excuses....which I totally do. Problem though is my brain will not let me remain strong when my emotions get in the way. I have been dealing with baby daddy drama and it has really put a kink in my workouts and this week ruined my eating habits....I finally got things under control today but really I am having a hard time. Looking back it seems the first 2 years of my new way of life were way easier but I think that is fiction, that's my brain making things up because as times goes on I have gotten way more strict with workouts and eating habits....so sure it was easier with fewer rules. I feel pretty sure it was even harder when I first started. I just have to get my brain in line with my body, because at this moment I know that I am strong...I am a born fighter...I can make it through anything... Just gotta keep pushing forward... 

Favorite quote of the week..... Fitness is like marriage, you can't cheat and expect it to work!   

Saturday, October 13, 2012


As I was working out at the YMCA yesterday with sweat pouring off of me, almost every person in there was watching me.....I was thinking to myself why are the looking at me? Well then I realized most adults don't jumprope....right? Well not the people at a gym anyway. At RHEK no one would have been looking because there we don't do anything "normal", you know why? Normal is boring! 

Looking in the mirror I thought to myself this is hard! This jumprope is kicking my ass! Since everyone is looking at me maybe I should stop... Well guess what... I didn't I worked through my 5 rounds of workouts including the 1000 turns of my jumprope! That's when I thought of the above quote "CHOOSE YOUR HARD" It sure is hard....hard to say no to your brain when it wants you to be weak. When you want your favorite foods....When it tells you that you can't make through a workout....YOU MUST CHOOSE YOUR HARD.....don't listen to your brain! Just like me you are STRONG TOO! Keep fighting for your goal no matter what goal that is! Oh and when you want to give up....REMEMBER WHY YOU STARTED ! Thanks again to all of my friends that support me.....I have no idea what would have happened without your love and support!