Today the title is TMI because I am going to reveal some person information.
In the beginning it doesn't sound like it has anything to do with my quest to find the inner skinny girl in me, but I feel like it is all connected. So here goes. I was born into a family of addicts. Mostly my mom's side of the family. We have no joke....more than 5 crackheads in her line, we have alcoholics, and prescription drug addicts as well. When I say this I am being 100% for real. These aren't distant relatives most are really close. Never in my life had I ever done drugs. My mom herself had so many issues I would have to stay here all night telling you her issues. She passed away in 2010. Honestly I never understood the CHOICES she made. Tonight though as I drove home from a very stressful 11.5 hour work day.... The voice in my head tried to get me to stop at cookout for an oreo milkshake (my mouth is watering as I type that)....then it tried to get me to go to waffle house.
I am very proud to report that I made it home....the whole 23 min drive without giving in. I had a handful of peanuts and a banana as my midnight snack!
My whole reason for telling you about the addicts is for once I felt sorrow for my mom, I felt like for once I understood the mental stress she must have been dealing with on a daily basis. She was a good woman but made a lot of BAD CHOICES.... and that is exactly what we do, we choose....
My fabulous trainer....that is also my #1 support person told me today that the reason we do anything it is because we want to.... if YOU want to lose weight, YOU will eat right and exercise, if YOU want to do drugs, YOU will do drugs. So needless to say although it is a daily struggle... I will choose to do GOOD not bad! Thanks for all of your support! And if the voice in your head tells you that you can't do something..... CALL IT A LIAR! YOU can do anything....anything that YOU choose to do!